If you have hearing loss in both ears (bilateral hearing loss), then you are most likely a candidate for two hearing aids. Let us see why two hearing aids are better than one.
Better understanding of speech. By wearing two hearing aids rather than one, selective listening is more easily achieved. This means your brain can focus on the conversation you want to hear. Research shows that people wearing two hearing aids routinely understand speech and conversation significantly better than people wearing one Digital Hearing Aid In Ahmedabad.
Better understanding in group and noisy situations. Speech intelligibility is improved in difficult listening situations when wearing two hearing aids.
Better ability to tell the direction of sound. This is called localization. In a social gathering, for example, localization allows you to hear from which direction someone is speaking to you. Also, localization helps you determine from which direction traffic is coming or where your children or grandchildren are playing. Simply put, with binaural hearing, you will better detect where sounds are coming from in every situation.
Better sound quality. When you listen to a stereo system, you use both speakers to get the smoothest, sharpest, most natural sound quality. The same can be said of hearing aids. By wearing two hearing aids, you increase your hearing range from 180 degrees reception with just one instrument, to 360 degrees. This greater range provides a better sense of balance and sound quality.
Wider hearing range. A person can hear sounds from a further distance with two ears, rather than just one. A voice that's barely heard at 10 feet with one ear can be heard up to 40 feet with two ears.
Better sound identification. Often, with just one hearing aid, many noises and words sound alike. But with two hearing aids, as with two ears, sounds are more easily distinguishable.
Keeps both ears active resulting in potentially less hearing loss deterioration. Research has shown that when only one hearing aid is worn, the unaided ear tends to lose its ability to hear and understand. This is clinically called the auditory deprivation effect. Wearing two hearing aids keeps both ears active.
Hearing is less tiring and listening more pleasant. More binaural hearing aid wearers report that listening and participating in conversation is more enjoyable with two instruments, instead of just one. This is because they do not have to strain to hear with the better ear. Thus, binaural hearing can help make life more relaxing.
Greater comfort when loud noises occur. A lower volume control setting is required with two hearing aids than is required with one hearing aid. The result is a better tolerance of loud sounds.
Reduced feedback and whistling. With a lower volume control setting the chances of hearing aid feedback is reduced.
Tinnitus Masking. About 50% of people with ringing in their ears report improvement when wearing hearing aids. If a person with tinnitus wears a hearing aid in only one ear, there will still be ringing in the ear that does not have a hearing aid.
Consumer preference. An overwhelming majority of consumers who have hearing loss in both ears, choose two hearing aids over one, when given the choice to hear binaurally.
Customer satisfaction. Research with more than 5,000 consumers with hearing loss in both ears demonstrated that binaurally fit subjects are more satisfied than people fit with one hearing aid.
Logically, just as you use both eyes to see clearly, you need two healthy ears to hear clearly. Before you decide on one hearing aid, try two.
The direct impact that loud sounds can have on our lives goes beyond just hearing. Being able to communicate properly is an essential aspect of our lives. Studies have shown that untreated hearing loss can have long term effects on social isolation and depression, and can affect success and performance in our careers.
We advocate for custom hearing protection so strongly because we understand the implications that can happen when not taken seriously.
Whether working around loud machinery for your job and for musicians who are exposed to very loud sounds. We can get you fitted for custom hearing protection to ensure a perfect fit and are suitable to be worn all day long.
You should wear hearing protection if the noise or sound exceeds 85 decibels. Hearing protectors reduce the noise exposure level and the risk of hearing loss.
If hearing protection is required, make sure to implement a hearing conservation program. A hearing conservation program includes noise assessment, hearing protector selection, employee training and education, baseline audiometric testing, annual reviews, record keeping, and overall program evaluation.
The effectiveness of hearing protection is only as effective as its user. Meaning, protection is significantly reduced if the hearing protectors do not fit properly, or even worse, not worn at all.
The hearing protectors should not be modified to keep them useful. Soundproof headphones and noise-canceling headsets are not substitutes for hearing protection. And should not be worn where hearing protection is required to protect against high-levels of noise exposure.
Earplugs are inserted into the canal of the ear. They may be pre-molded (preformed) or moldable (Foam earplugs). Custom-molded earplugs exert little to no pressure and fit your ear canals perfectly, and last longer than other types of earplugs along with lower cost-per-use, even though they have a higher entry cost.
Molded/Pre-molded plugs are soft, flexible devices generally made from silicone, plastic, or rubber that fit into the ear canal. These types of protectors have flanges that provide a secure seal against the canal wall. They are reusable and often retain size and flexibility if kept clean daily with soap and water.
Earmuffs have cushions that seal against the head and directly over the outer ear. Made of a smooth plastic envelope filled with foam or fluid material. They require periodic replacement (cushions can become stiff or brittle over time), so they must be inspected daily for defects. Earmuffs tend to provide better protection, but can be uncomfortable in hot work areas, or vigorous work activity.
There are many benefits to custom-fit hearing devices. They save money in the long run, over having to continually buy and replace disposable plugs, which also helps keep waste consumption down. Aside, from that, you get a perfect fit that is more comfortable and allows the user to keep them in for longer periods of time. Custom Protection devices are designed to last much longer and for an individual or business.
If you need help selecting the right type of protection for your situation, please reach out and schedule a consultation with one of our Audiologists today! We can assess your specific situation and need and create a plan that will best suit you.
There are a few steps you can take at home to help prolong the life of your hearing aids. Keeping your hearing aids in good working order requires maintenance. Here are some tips on how to protect your valuable investment.
For regular at-home care, you need the right equipment. The most common tools used for cleaning hearing aids include:
These steps should be done daily, usually in the morning. This is best because the hearing aid has had time to dry overnight, making wax and buildup easier to remove.
Learning to care for your Best Digital Hearing Aid In Ahmedabad, as well as scheduling regular appointments about every 6 months with your hearing professional, will ensure that your hearing aids help you to hear very best.
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